Friday, August 24, 2007

Code depreciation

Depreciation is a term used in accounting, economics and finance with reference to the fact that assets with finite lives lose value over time (from Wikipedia), I this case, I'd like to discuss code depreciation and its relationship with optimization and mantainability by proposing the following rule:

If code is written for performance (compromising maintainability), the value of such performance optimization (and maintenance degradation) will depreciate, because the likehood of having either faster hardware or different developer maintaining the code increases as time passes.

On the other hand, maintaintable code, increases its value for similar reasons:

If code is written for maintainability (postponing performance enhancements), the value of that maintainability (and performace degradation) will increase its value, because the likehood of having either faster hardware or different developer maintaining the code increases as time passes.

I added this definitions to C2... I wonder how (or if they) will evolve.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Data Transfer Object Injection

Data Transfer Object injection is a programming error which results in security holes., it is to a Remote Object Service based applications which use object graphs what SQL Injection is to web-based applications which use databases.

DTO injection could happen where there is a remote object service that allows a client system to send and and object graph that is automatically converted by an object relational mapper in to SQL statements.

Instead of sending a valid object graph, the attacker can send a different object graph, representing alterations to the database that go well beyond his security level. For example, a remote object service receives an object graph that represent changes in the objects that represent new users, or new permissions granted for existing users of the system.

To prevent this problem it should be possible to specify at the object relational mapping level, which entities can be saved by the current user... many object relational mappers, or xml relational mappers automatically write the changes represented by the object graph to the database, without caring if the current application user has the privileges required to persist those objects... we can not rely on RDBMS security, because most remote object services use the same user for all the calls... and I think it that connecting with a different user for each remote object service would be bad for connection pooling (decreasing performance)

I wonder if anyone else thinks this is a common security problem... Mmmm... I will add this to C2... I wonder how (or if it) will evolve.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

REST DataService... it was so... obvious?

When I built my first systems using .NET 1.0 (back in the year 2002), I was excited with the idea of using "XML SOAP WebServices" to communicate my client side application with my remote side business logic... but, after I started developing it, I realized I had to do a lot of stuff that just seemed repetitive and hard to use, why did I have to create a WebMethod for each of the CRUD operations... and many for the "R" in CRUD for each possible "select" variation... and it was even more problematic because sometimes I just had to have a "dynamic querying UI" and couldn't find a good way to send the definition of a query in a good "XML" way...
Then I realized... why should I create a method for each variant? why not just have a single web method:

DataSet executeQuery(string Query)

And I started changing all my code, anything that I wanted to obtain from the server could be obtained that way... (but... I started wondering... is that the one and only true way to use data oriented web services? I remember reading somewhere that wasn't such a good idea.. that SOA wasn't invented for that.. after all, that was just a thin XML wrapper over my ADO.NET data provider...)

Fast forward a few years.... a lot of people start talking about a doctoral dissertation written by Roy Fielding... and the reach the following conclusion "SOAP is just too complex" ,"Having to create a different web method for each action makes the interface complex and not that good for inter operation", "one needs to know too much to understand a SOAP web service because methods are not standard", "WSDL is too complex", "SOAP is going against the resource naming philosophy in HTTP", etc, etc.... And REST is the answer to all our problems...

Well here I am taking a look to the experimental REST Framework "Astoria" Microsoft is creating, and... it looks painfully similar to DataSet executeQuery(string Query), but it has a difference... it is not using SQL... it is using a custom ad hoc querying mechanism... that... does the same things SQL does?.. Perhaps it will implement better some relational features that are badly designer in SQL but... what is the real advantage here? what is the real difference between this and a SOAP web services that receives SQL and returns an XML representing rows in a database?

Is there really a difference? or it just that we (as an industry) needed to invent SOAP webservices to realize all we needed was a thin XML wrapper around SQL?

Update: Astoria is now known as WCF DataServices

Requirements Analysis: Negative Space

A while ago, I was part of a team working on a crucial project. We were confident, relying heavily on our detailed plans and clear-cut requi...