Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dataphor: How to create a table with a primary key

Creating a table in Dataphor is easy:

create table Debt
    ID : Integer,

    key { ID },

That translates (when using MSSQL as storage) into (if we ask MSSQL to provide us with the SQL DDL):

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Debt](
    [ID] [int] NOT NULL



    [ID] ASC


It is important to note that D4 does not have the concept of a primary key, and that the “key” keyword results in a unique index, that while for all uses and purposes can work as a primary key, it is not recognized as such by MSSQL. It is possible to have several different “keys” in a Dataphor table.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Scala is not mature enough for Weld

Scala is not mature enough for Weld (or any other reflection related operation). Turns out that one of the feature that make Scala so interesting (closures) is also a source of incompatibility (the internal anonymous class files that generate are invalid)

So, if for example, I have a code like this (inside any method in a class):

val classNames = Conversions.convertList(names).reduceLeft[String] { (acc, n) =>
acc + ", " + n

That generates an inner class that makes Java reflection unusable:

java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: com.googlecode.solder.dwr.WeldContainer and com.googlecode.solder.dwr.WeldContainer$$anonfun$getClasses$1 disagree on InnerClasses attribute
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaringClass(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.getEnclosingClass(
at java.lang.Class.getSimpleBinaryName(
at java.lang.Class.getSimpleName(
at org.jboss.weld.util.Names.typeToString(
at org.jboss.weld.util.Names.classToString(
at org.jboss.weld.introspector.jlr.WeldClassImpl.<init>(
at org.jboss.weld.introspector.jlr.WeldClassImpl.of(
at org.jboss.weld.resources.ClassTransformer$
at org.jboss.weld.resources.ClassTransformer$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
at org.jboss.weld.util.collections.ConcurrentCache.putIfAbsent(
at org.jboss.weld.resources.ClassTransformer.loadClass(
at org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.BeanDeployer.addClass(
at org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.BeanDeployer.addClasses(
at org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.BeanDeployment.deployBeans(
at org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.WeldBootstrap.deployBeans(
at org.jboss.weld.environment.servlet.Listener.contextInitialized(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

Apparently this is a known problem since 2008-08-03 (16 months so far) and AFAIK they are not in a hurry to fix it.

I guess that means I am going to have to start removing Scala from my Weld project. I am sad about this because Scala is IMO a really beautiful language, that feels much cleaner than Java, but if the .class files that it generates are not compatible with the rest of Java... it is just useless for me.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Playing with Weld and Scala to create a new framework for JSPs

Today I built my first "serious" example using Weld and Scala.
You can take a look at it in here.
So far, Weld looks like really good framework, I am still not able to say that it will replace Spring as my "glue framework", but that could certainly become true.
Scala also looks interesting (this also my first "serious" attempt at doing something with Scala), but the support for Scala in Eclipse is very fragile... the plug-in still needs a lot of polishing (no refatoring, no quickfixes, and the syntax coloring and cursor control sometimes goes crazy). I would not recommend the Scala plugin in Eclipse for "real work", but for hobbing is fine. (I wonder if the support for Scala in the Netbeans or the opensourced version of IntelliJ is better).

Friday, November 06, 2009

JPA Myth: EclipseLink and Hibernate are compatible. Not true: Hibernate does NOT follow the JPA Spec

Please take a look at the Hibernate JIRA issue EJB-441, seen it?

Now, please tell me if this is correct:

According to Gavin King (author of Hibernate) the JPA spec the @Column(nullable=false) is just a schema generation hint, and therefore JPA implementations should NOT use it for object level validation.

I think that means that if an entity object with a null property marked with the @Column(nullable=false) is persisted using entityManager.persist() it should crash with a java.sql.SQLException as the root exception, thrown when the "INSERT" statement failed after it was sent to the database by the JDBC driver (as it happens in EclipseLink), and not because some implementation specific mechanism "pre-validated" it and prevented it from reaching the database (as it happens in Hibernate thanks to org.hibernate.engine.Nullability.checkNullability).

Is that correct? Because I don’t know anymore!

Lets say that is correct, does that means that the following is correct too?:

Validation should be entirely the responsibility of the JSR-303, and the properties of an entity should only be checked for nullability before sending to the database if a JSR-303 implementation is there to indicate that.

Is that true? And if it is, then:

What is exactly the difference between @Basic(optional=true) and @Column(nullable=true)? What happens when this 2 are applied to the same property, but they contradict each other? (As in : @Basic(optional=false) and @Column(nullable=true) or in @Basic(optional=true) and @Column(nullable=false)

I could not find a statisfactory answer in the spec documentation, would anyone be so kind as to resolve this issue? Because it Hibernate Forums they have decided that the way to deal with this inconsistencies and contradictions in Hibernate and in the JPA standard is to plain ignore me since May of 2009.

As you can see I tried to raise the issue with 2 JIRAS, forum post and easy to reproduce unit-tests, but nothing seems to work… what should I do then?

Monday, October 26, 2009

How to have an auto incrementing assembly version number (Visual Studio)?

The assembly version did not auto increment… why? if I was using AssemblyVersion correcty? (The “*” indicates which part of the version string you want to have autoincremented)

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]

Well, it turns out the problem is that I was also using:

[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0.*")]

All I had to do is comment the line with AssemblyFileVersion in my AssemblyInfo.cs file, and it started working:

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
//[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0.*")]

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Can I use JConsole to monitor an application through a firewall?

A fragment of JConsole documentation (bold type emphasis added by me):

The management property specifies the port where the RMI Registry can be reached but the ports where the RMIServer andRMIConnection remote objects are exported is chosen by the RMI stack. To export the remote objects (RMIServer and RMIConnection) on a given port you need to create your own RMI connector server programmatically, as described in the section

Mimicking Out-of-the-Box Management Using the JMX Remote API in the Java SE Monitoring and Management Guide.

I actually need to write code to be able to monitor a Java application through a firewall! Talk about an unfinished product! and Sun guys even have the nerve to act surprised angry when  people say that Java is over-engineered.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Simplicity and Hubris: Web vs Enterprise Development

I would find it really funny that most people do not understand the difference between intelligent and control interfaces if would not mean that lots of time and money are wasted trying to make intelligent interfaces work as control interfaces, or Web 2.0 Internet solutions work for Enterprise intranet problems.

It is the typical "since Google/Apple/Facebook/Twitter/SomeFreeAndPublicWebSite uses it for X/Y/Z/Q it should be great for the system I am building" syndrome.

Well, it might be great for them when they are trying to solve the X/Y/Z/Q problem, but as it turns out, many developers do not work at places that build the kind of systems this companies build, and are not trying to solve the kind of problems this companies are trying to solve.

Some people think that since our problems do not seem as technologically  impressive as those targeted by free public websites they must be easier, or that since a solution worked for the super huge public web site X then it should also work for the tiny intranet system we are building, well, the truth is that most of the times this solutions do not help at all. Please don't get me wrong, some of their ideas are usable, but we need to remember that in the dreaded Intranet Enterprise development world rules are very different:

  • We do not have huge hardware resources at our disposal
  • We do not have a huge budget and the hiring power to get the best and only the best experts to work with us
  • Our systems are not of the"just register in this form this once and after this use the site with the mouse" kind, our users hate the mouse, because they are going to be capturing data all day, and for that, the keyboard is king (and the mouse is irrelevant)
  • We need to interact directly with "special hardware" (such as scanners, printers, finger print readers etc) and browsers do not know how to talk to those, a browser can not even print with precision without help from Acrobat Reader.
  • We need the behavior of our systems to be consistent and always the same (Web Search engine users do not care if the search results present different information or the same information in different order as long as the "relevant" stuff is in the first pages, Enterprise users expect search results to be exactly the same as last time, unless they have done something to alter that, and when they do, the change they expect is predictable)
  • Our users want access to their data now, and do not care for excuses like "sorry but there is no access to the super massively great cloud because our infinitum connection/cable modem/whatever is failing"
  • Our users want data to be confidential (although they do not even understand the meaning of security and its costs). Having all your data "in the cloud" sounds great, until the country where the clouds exists decides that it wants to apply "economic sanctions" to yours and begins by forbidding you access to the data in the cloud because the company that owns it is controlled by their laws. The day I see Google store its internal mission critical strategic information in Amazon's servers or vice-versa is the day I will believe that the Cloud is a safe place to store that kind of information.

All those "Web 2.0" companies have done little to help this stuff (In fact, they have created lots of problems, by forcing us intranet Enterprise developers to use primitive runtime platforms (web browsers) to deliver our applications . It is not that they are evil, it is just that they are not targeting the kind of problems Enterprise developers need to solve. And I hate when I see people recommending approaches that worked fine for this companies for problems that just can not be solved with them.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

How can I use PowerShell to delete all the files with a particular extension

Just run the command:

get-childitem rootdir -include *.extension -recurse | foreach ($_) {remove-item $_.fullname}

And that is it. Thanks Scripting Guy.

This is specially useful for me because very often, after I make changes in project reference in VS.NET some .dll files are left “out of sync” and and make parts your project act as if you did not re-compiled them. Sadly there is no easy way to tell VS.NET to get rid of all the .dll files that may be causing problems.

Make that PDF secure: Toy Security

Make that PDF secure! That is one of the funniest requests I have received from a boss at one of my jobs… I answered by asking: “Secure? How secure?” and my boss told me: well, I want the user to be unable to modify it, copy it or print it.

Why do I say that this request is funny? Well, because this was a web application, the typical HTML+JavaScript+JSON/XML+Choose-the-Server-Side-Tech-You-Like application. Now, of course you can not really “display” a PDF with that technology, you need to have a PDF viewer like Acrobat Reader so that your user can “see” the PDF, and, of course, all the indented users for this intranet web applications had it installed.

My boss had read that Acrobat had an option to make a PDF read-only with a password, and that it was even possible to “protect” the document so that it could not be printed… sounds like the solution… no? well, first of all , if you can see it, it means that the structure of the document is available to the reader, which means that the document is not really encrypted, and that means the any tool capable of reading and writing .pdf will be able to remove the password without even worrying about trying to guess it using a brute force (or even an heuristic) attack.

What can you do then? Well you can actually encrypt it… that will prevent the user from modifying it… but it will also prevent it from being seen… unless the user has the password… which also means he/she can un-encrypt the document and remove the protection.

There is no thing that can be done then? well, if security of this document is actually a priority, you could create a custom reader unable to print… that should work should it? Well, not exactly, the user can always just press the “printscreen” key that is available in all keyboards and get a copy of the document… I have read that it is possible to install some DRM level protections in some OSes that could detect that, but when you take it to that level, a new questions is brought in to the table: is it worth the cost? does the document actually needs that kind of security? if not, it means this is a case of toy security, your boss just wants this feature because it sounds like a feature that “would impress the user” but not something that is really required by the application, he/she has not really give this features (and its implications) some thought.

Lets say that at my boss says: “Yes, that level of security is really needed” (very unlikely, but could happen), well, that brings in the next question: what if the user just goes, takes one of then great modern digital cameras, and takes the picture from the screen monitor? (and then spends a few days retouching it in the Gimp or Photoshop).That means it will be able to steal the information, and even be able to print it. How can you prevent that from happening? How can you make a document that is actually secure even after that?

Well, the answer is that if what you want to prevent is the theft of information, the only way is to not allow the user to see the document, if the user can see it, the user can copy it, one way of another (there is even the possibility that the user has photographic memory) and there is no way you can make the user “forget” that he saw the document.

But lets say that what you want to do is detect if a document is a forgery that is, right at the moment that you see it printed on a paper, you want to be able to know if it came from your system (and it was altered by someone after it was copied or not)… the only way to do that, is embedding the same information that the document has in a 2D barcode (including something that uniquely identifies the document), and also embed in another barcode a digital signature that is able to validate the data. That is the only way I know you can demonstrate that the document is a forgery… obviously, by the time you have explained this to you boss (if he/she has managed to make sense from it) the most likely thing is that he/she is unwilling to ask you to do all that it is needed to achieve this goal, mostly because it is nothing like what he/she wanted in the first place: it something much more abstract, and requires a barcode reader to verify the document.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

How to find files containing a string with Powershell

A while ago a wrote a small post to remind me of How to find files containing a string in Unix.

Now, I have learned how to do pretty much the same thing but with Powershell:

get-childitem {directory} –include {file pattern} -recurse | select-string -pattern "{string to Find}" -casesensitive

You can write a path in {directory} or nothing to use the current directory.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Understanding REST Verbs and its relationship with CRUD

I used to believe that REST verbs mapped to CRUD operations more or less like this:

GET -> Read
DELETE -> Delete
PUT ->Insert/Update

Yes, I mapped both POST and PUT map to the same CRUD operation, but now I am not that sure this mapping is completely right…

I have learned that the difference between POST and PUT is the URI, in PUT the URI identifies the entity enclosed with the request (the entity you wan to Insert or Update), while in POST the URI identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed entity.

So, POST is like saying "Resource X, do something with this Entity", while PUT is more like "Insert/Update this Entity as Resource X"

So POST is more like “Tell ‘X’ to do something with ‘E’” and that has really no direct mapping with a CRUD operation… of course, a POST, internally, can do one, or many of the CRUD operations using the data of the entity that is being passed to it as a parameter… Does that mean that POST maps to all CRUD operations?

I guess I need to learn more about this…

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Greenspuns Tenth Rule Of Programming and ADO.NET Data Services

This is a humorous observation once made by Philip Greenspun:

Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of CommonLisp.

Or the database variant (Greencodds Tenth Rule Of Programming):

Every sufficiently complex application/language/tool will either have to use a database or reinvent one the hard way

I sometimes I feel that:

Any sufficiently complicated procedural api contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of query language.

Take for example, Web Services, they started a procedural thing where people created their own custom verbs for each service, then people realized that the semantics of HTTP constitutes a coordination language which is is sufficiently for any computational communication pattern, they realized that GET / PUT / POST / were enough for any program, but they again forgot about the query part, so after a while they reinvented a query language (like SQL) by creating create a query language based on URL query strings, as in ADO.NET Data Services)

Sometimes I feel all IT industry is like a dog chasing its own tail… we invent Cobol to handle data procedurally only to invent SQL to handle data declaratively only to invent stored procedures and web services to handle it procedurally to then invent REST to handle it declaratively I wonder what will be the name of the procedural silver bullet that will replace REST…

Sunday, June 07, 2009

JEE Development Deployment: In the order wrong

So, you start a new we project in Eclipse 3.4.1 (or in Netbeans 6.5.1) and you run it, what happens is that basically the project gets copied in to the directory the application server uses to “keep” the applications it runs, then the application server starts, looks in to its directory for applications and starts your application, and you are able to see your project,if you are using Tomcat, or JBoss as lot people do, you will be able to see you web project on port 8080. Right? Wrong!

what really happens is that then the application server starts and then the project gets copied in to the directory the application server uses to “keep” the applications it runs, then the IDE opens the web browser, that connects to the port 8080 using an url that includes the context of the application, its “name” so to speak, and then, the application server then realizes there a new application with that name in on its “directory applications” and starts it.

Noticed the difference:

What one typically believes it happens:

  1. the project gets copied in to the directory the application server uses to “keep” the applications it runs
  2. the IDE starts the application server
  3. looks in to its directory for applications and starts your application…
  4. now you will be able to see you web project on port 8080

What really happens:

  1. the IDE starts the application server
  2. the project gets copied in to the directory the application server uses to “keep” the applications it runs
  3. then the IDE opens the web browser, that connects to the port 8080 using an url that includes the context of the application
  4. the application server then realizes there a new application with that name in on its “directory applications” and starts it

Now, why is it so important to understand in what order this happens?

Well, because during development this processes is repeated again and again, until the application reach a point where it can be delivered to the customer the problem is that some times, one of the iterations of this process ends with an application so dysfunctional that it is able to crash the application server (and that will not stop until we get a real virtual machine for java).

But until we do get a better virtual machine, there is a more pressing problem, if we deploy an application that crashes the application server, the order in which the process is currently done makes it impossible to deploy the fixed version, unless we delete the previous version completely. Why do I say that: well lets analyze it, lets say we start with a fresh application server, where we have never installed our application:

  1. then the application server starts
  2. the project gets copied in to the directory the application server uses to “keep” the applications it runs
  3. then the IDE opens the web browser, that connects to the port 8080 using an url that includes the context of the application
  4. the application server then realizes there a new application with that name in on its “directory applications” and starts it

This first version of our application is far from finished, but it does not have any bug capable of crashing the application server, so we add som more functionality, and we ask the IDE to run our application again, and what does the IDE do?:

  1. then the application server starts
  2. since the application server already knows it has our (failed) application installed, it does not need a visit from the browser to start it, in starts it immediately
  3. the project gets copied in to the directory the application server uses to “keep” the applications it runs, since the application is already there, only the changed files are copied
  4. if the changes are of a particular kind (alterations to web.xml for example) the applications server restarts the application so that it starts working with the new configuration
  5. then the IDE opens the web browser, that connects to the port 8080 using an url that includes the context of the application

This second version of our application actually has a nasty bug, so after step 4, the application server hangs, and we are forced to kill it using the services provided by the operating system to deal with misbehaving processes, then we go back to our code, fix the problem, and we ask the IDE to run our application again, and what does the IDE do?:

  1. the IDE starts the application server
  2. since the application server already knows it has our (failed) application installed, it does not need a visit from the browser to start it, in starts it immediately
  3. The application server hangs.

And that is it, the project files are never copied in to the directory the application server uses to “keep” the applications it runs, the critical problem here is that the IDE seems to wait for the application server to start correctly before copying the new files (it should copy them any way, that of course would not prevent it from hanging, but, after we had killed the process, the next time we ran the application server, if we had fixed the bug, it would not hang any more… but even then the behavior would be anti-intuitive, why the process is not like this is a mystery to me:

  1. the project gets copied in to the directory the application server uses to “keep” the applications it runs, since the application is already there, only the changed files are copied
  2. the IDE starts the application server
  3. since the application server already knows it has our (failed) application installed, it does not need a visit from the browser to start it, in starts it immediately
  4. Since we have fixed the bug, everything runs fine

Do you know why it does not work like this? If you do, please… would you explain it to me?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Client side caching: Typical omission in server side component models?

It seems like a simple problem, but it is not (to day, I have not been able to find a way to do this without complex Javascript coding):

  1. You have chained comboboxes: County and State.
  2. You select USA in the Country combobox, and its 50 States are loaded in the States Combo (roundtrip to the server to fetch them)
  3. You select Mexico in the Country combobox, and its 32 States are loaded in the States Combo (roundtrip to the server to fetch them)
  4. Now you select USA in the Country combobox again... how do I tell the server side component framework that I do not want it to go to the server for them, since it went for them the last time I selected USA, I want it to use that as a cache and do not go for them until I tell it to do so?

I provided this use case as just one illustration of a broader class of client side caching scenarios, support for this kind of scenario might not be need for all use cases, I might not be needed, for example, for user self-registration... sadly, I do not build that kind of application where I work now, the kind of application I have to build is the kind where the UI is used repeatedly: Yes, I build those dreaded "enterprise level" applications used internally by a big organization.

This kind of optimization might seem silly for the typical web application where the user rarely uses the same form more than once, but for enterprise applications, this behavior can be the difference between an application that is perceived to be responsive and useful, and an application that is perceived to be cumbersome and useless.

This can not be done with “user code” in AribaWeb. It can not be done in JSF, and it can not be done in ASP.NET. But is extremely easy to do if you code in JavaScript and use ExtJS, or Cappucchino.

I wonder... Is this problem really impossible to solve in a declarative way using server side component models? is this really the insurmountable frontier for server based frameworks? or could someone create a trick that made this work?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Inversion of re-render (subscription based re-rendering): Why it can not be this way?

Anyone that has used Richfaces knows that to rerender something, one needs to refer to it by id.

Now, this is (in my opinion) an useful approach but also a very limited one, specially if componentization and code reuse are important goals during development

Lets say I build a page (lets call it root page), that has a subview with a modalPanel, that includes a facelet component, that has a subview with modalPanel that includes another facelet component, and, when something is done here, I one another control, in the root page to be rerendered

Now, I could of course pass along the ids of the component I need to be re-rendered, but... what if I need another component to be re-rendered too? do I pass along its id too? and what if the other component is also inside (a different) subview with a modalPanel, that includes a different facelet component... then all this id "passing" gets really messy, and creates dependencies in components that could otherwise be decoupled... and to make things worse, using meaningful ids in JSF is not considered a good practice, because meaningful ids (specially if used in name container like the subviews) rapidly increase the size of the pages (because they concatenate to ids of all the contained controls), contributing to bandwidth waste .

Now, I have a proposal, what if re-rendering were to work in an "inversed" way: instead of "A" saying that it will re-render "B", we say that "B" will be re-rendered when something (maybe "A") says so by broadcasting event "C".

This would mean that "A" no longer needs to know the name of "B" and "B" wouldn’t need to know the name of "A" either, it would only need to know that it should re-render itself it something, somewhere broadcasted the event "C"

Am I making sense here? Is this doable? Or am I not seeing a major limitation in JSF technology that prevents this from being built? (I am no expert in JSF, so I really can not say, but I do know that an event subscription based re-rendering engine would be a really nice tool to have)

Monday, March 16, 2009

EntityManager.persist: ¿What does/should it mean?

Lets say you are presented with the following JPA @Entity:

public class Customer {

private Long id;
private String name;

public Long getId() {
return id;

public void setId(Long id) { = id;

public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

And then the following test

public void persistCustomerInTransaction() throws Exception {
factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME);

EntityManager em = factory.createEntityManager();


Customer customer = new Customer();




And the following question: Where does it crash?:

  1. At the line em.persist(customer); because the name is configured as nullable=false, and we are trying to persist the Customer instance with a null value in the name property

  2. em.getTransaction().commit(); because the name is configured as nullable=false, and we are trying to commit the transaction with a null value in the name property

Turns out… that the answer depends on the JPA provider you are using!!!! If using Hibernate, it crashes at em.persist, but if using EclipseLink, it crashes at em.getTransaction().commit.

Now, this might seem irrelevant, but it is in fact very important, because EclipseLink behavior means that constraint validations are deferred until the point where the transaction is committed, and that means that the developer has a lot more freedom to manipulate its persistent objects: they can be in any (possibly invalid) state while they are being manipulated by the business logic of the application, and they only have to be “right” the moment one needs to commit them to the database (not before), this is specially useful, for example, when building a wizard like UI (or a plain simple CRUD UI with support for full object graphs) with EclipseLink, I can persist my objects as soon as I want, and if want to, for example, run some validation logic at the end, all I have to do is ask the EclipseLink to give a list of all the objects that are going to be written in to the database, with Hibernate, the entityManager does not help me manage new object instances, I have to manage them myself.

What I find really surprising is that AFAIK there should be some kind of test to ensure that all JPA are compatible (something called the TCK?), and I think that this kind of discrepancy should be detected by those tests... shouldn't it?

I think this support for deferred validation, and an API to get will be inserted, will be updated or will be deleted, will be very important to really integrate JPA with something like JSR 330, so that validation can really integrate with the lifecycle of a persistent POJO.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

JPA/Hibernate (subjective?) weaknesses

I have had to work with JPA/Hibernate for a few years now... and I feel it has some weaknesses I really do not like (when compared with the first ORM I ever used, NextStep EOF), I am thinking about "switching to something else" but first i would like to be sure that the ORM I switch to does not have this weaknesses too.
List of (subjective? perhaps I only perceive them because I was exposed to EOF first?) weaknesses in JPA/Hibernate:

  • No way to manage an object that "will be persisted", in JPA/Hibernate if you call entityManager.persist(object) and the database does not support sequences (like MS-Sql) an insert will be triggered, and if any of the non nullable fields of the objects is null, it will crash. If your object has a compound primary key, things get worse, because the entityManager can not deal with it until the compound primary key is set, and if your compound primary key is formed by foreign keys pointing to objects that are new too, that means you will not be able to save stuff with with a simple single call to entityManager.persist to one of the objects, cascading will not help you (I really miss something "magic" like the single shot EditingContext.saveAllChanges() in EOF)
  • No easy way to know if "an object is dirty" (if it has changed/deleted since it was read from the database, there is just no API for that), and since you can not know what objects will be persisted, and what object have changed, and what objects will be deleted from database, that means you can not easily create an unified API for centralized polymorphic validation (that is no easy way to create validateForSave, or validateForDelete methods in your persistent entity classes)
  • No real equivalent for validateForXXX, JPA lifecycle callbacks are not match for validateForXXX because you can not query the database during the lifecycle callbacks, and if you throw an exception inside a lifecycle callback, the JPA/Hibernate entityManager enters an invalid state, and after that you can not continue to use your POJOs, you have to start over with a fresh entityManager... and without you modifications to the POJOs. Note that Hibernate new validation framework does not offer a real solution for this problem... and AFAIK JSR-000303 will not help with this either.
  • No support for some kind of temporary id: In JPA/Hibernate, the id for an object is "null" until you flush it to the database, so if you need to reference a particular object instance from the user interface... there is plain no way to do it, you have to "save it first" to get a primary key.
  • No support for Nested Contexts... ( I think they would be a perfect fit for conversational frameworks like Seam or Shale). One of the goals of the ObjectContext is to provide an isolated area where local object changes can be performed without affecting other similar areas or the underlying storage. Nested Context changes can be saved to the parent Context without saving them to the database. Such child context is often called "nested". Nested contexts are useful in many situations, such as nested UI dialogs, complicated workflows, etc.

Those are my main disagreements with the way I have to work with JPA/Hibernate... will switching to JPA/EclipseLink, JPA/OpenJPA or the still not fully JPA compliant Apache Cayenne help me with those? I will be writing about my findings on this in my following posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

AribaWeb: The framework of my dreams?

Could AribaWeb, finally be the framework of my dreams? that for which I have longed for ever since I stopped using WebObjects? The one to finally demonstrate those Ruby guys that what makes Ruby so great is Rails, and what made Java inferior (until before AribaWeb) was its framework, but not the language itself?

So far, it seems that, while not perfect (no client side caching, some Hibernate inherited validation limitations), AribaWeb gets many basics concept right (like programmatic navigation, UI meta generation, runtime UI customization, MVC separation…)

I am simply amazed….

Now someone just needs to integrate AribaWeb with Capuccino, and total world domination would be in their hands.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Functionally Complete Crud Generator

In my previous post I wrote about the Irreducible Complexity Model ….now why is that model so important?

Well, for a Crud Generator to be functionally complete it has to fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Be able to generated the Crud Screens for the Irreducible Complexity Model
  2. It should be possible to “capture” the entire “model graph” as a single transaction starting from any node in the graph
  3. It should be possible to “skip” validation until the “save” button of the screen to save the node where we started is clicked, and, it should be easy to go from there to any of the screens used to edit the other nodes to fix any validation error.
  4. It should be possible to search for instances (rows?) of the entity (class, table?) by using a “query by example” node graph that can be built using one or all of the nodes of the model with any arbitrary depth.

With this rules, I realize that the only functionally complete crud generator that I have seen was Apple WebObjects Direct2Web… All others (JBoss SeamGen for example) are unable to deal with all the kinds of relationships in the Irreducible Complexity Model and, even without that limitation, are just unable to deal with requirements 2,3, and 4. because all of them force you to either violate transactionality by forcing you to save before navigation to the next node, or force you to pass all validation rules at a particular node before going to the next, or, have a really simple and powerless query by example UI.

Irreducible (Minimal?) Complexity: EntityModel (RelationalModel? DatabaseModel?)

I am not sure that the name Irreducible Complexity Entity Model actually fits what I am about to describe, but I was the best I can think of:

Lets think of an Entity Model (Database Model?, Relational Model?) that has at least one instance of each kind of entity relationship, so that it becomes representative of pretty much anything that can happen at any database:

  • A One To One relationship
  • A One To Many relationship

So we would have:

  • TableA One To One TableB
    TableB One To Many TableC

But then, we remember that there are recursive relationships so the list now is:

  • A One To One relationship to the same table
  • A One To One relationship to another table
  • A One To Many relationship to the same table
  • A One To Many relationship to another table

So now we have:

  • TableA One To One TableA
  • TableA One To One TableB
  • TableB One To Many TableB
  • TableB One To Many TableC

But then we realize that there is si not representative of any case, because there is another kind of relationship, one that is “complex” (formed by 2 of the “simple” ones described before: Many To Many) so:

  • A One To One relationship to the same table
  • A One To One relationship to another table
  • A One To Many relationship to the same table
  • A One To Many relationship to another table
  • A Many To Many relationship to the same table
  • A Many To Many relationship to another table

So we have:

  • TableA One To One TableA
  • TableA One To One TableB
  • TableB One To Many TableB
  • TableB One To Many TableC
  • TableC Many To Many to TableC (using TableCC as intermediate)
  • TableC Many To Many to TableD (using TableCD as intermediate)

Now, with this one would think we have a representative case for each “conceptual” kind of entity relationship. Am I right? (For example Object Relational Mappers? offer a way to map relationships for their Object Oriented counterparts, and the only kinds of relationships that are supported by them (when going from the database to the object model) are: One To One, One To Many? and Many To Many?. (If going from the Object Model to the database, then "Inheritance" enters the game, so I guess the Irreducible Complexity Entity Model would have to include "Inherits From?" as a relationship type (note that Inherits From? is the only kind of relationship that can not be used in "reflective" way):

* A One To One relationship to the same class
* A One To One relationship to another class
* A One To Many? relationship to the same class
* A One To Many? relationship to another class
* A Many To Many? relationship to the same class
* A Many To Many? relationship to another class
* A Inherits From? relationship to another class

And so we get:

* Class A One To One Class A
* Class A One To One Class B
* Class B One To Many Class B
* Class B One To Many Class C
* Class C Many To Many to Class C
* Class C Many To Many to Class D
* Class D Inherits From Class E

But, then we realize there is another case, what if the relation is not to a concrete but to an abstract class?

  • Composition
    • A One To One relationship to the same class
    • A One To One relationship to another class
    • A One To Many relationship to the same class
    • A One To Many relationship to another class
    • A Many To Many relationship to the same class
    • A Many To Many relationship to another class
  • Inheritance
    • A Inherits From relationship to another Concrete Class?
    • A Inherits From relationship to an Abstract Class

And then (finally?) we realize that this "Concrete/Abstract" separation also applies to the Composition relationships:

  • Composition
    • A One To One relationship to the same abstract class
    • A One To One relationship to the same concrete class
    • A One To One relationship to another abstract class
    • A One To One relationship to another concrete class
    • A One To Many relationship to the same abstract class
    • A One To Many relationship to the same concrete class
    • A One To Many relationship to another abstract class
    • A One To Many relationship to another concrete class
    • A Many To Many relationship to the same abstract class
    • A Many To Many relationship to the same concrete class
    • A Many To Many relationship to another abstract class
    • A Many To Many relationship to another concrete class
  • Inheritance
    • A Inherits From relationship to another Concrete Class?
    • A Inherits From relationship to an Abstract Class

I wonder if I am missing a particular combination/ relationship kind… (or if there is a simpler way to express this…)

Requirements Analysis: Negative Space

A while ago, I was part of a team working on a crucial project. We were confident, relying heavily on our detailed plans and clear-cut requi...